Wednesday, 27 February 2019

A Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy by Mandal, Mandal 9788173817434, Pages: 598, 
Binding: Paperback
Rs. 415.00

About the Book

In this edition some important additions have been made in the text of original chapters such as 'Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacy', 'Brief Study of Standardisation of Drugs and Medicines', 'Quality Control in Homoeopathic Pharmacy', 'The Technique of Homoeopathic Drug Proving', 'Dispensing of Medicines', 'Drug Administration', 'Drug—Medicine—Remedy', 'General Knowledge of Legislation in relation to Homoeopathic Pharmacy'. A detailed 'Glossary' has been furnished at the end of this book for easy explanation of terms related to homoeopathic pharmacy. This edition will be helpful to degree and postgraduate students, doctors, pharmacists and research workers in homoeopathy.

 About the Author

P P Mandal, BHMS [Gold Medallist]
B Mandal, BHMS [Gold Medallist] 

Overview of Contents

Pharmacopoeia and Pharmacy, Collection of Drug Substances, Homoeopathic Pharmaceutical Instruments and Appliances, General Laboratory and Laboratory Methods, Industrial Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy (Institutional Pharmacy), Quality Control in Homoeopathy, Methods of Preparing Homoeopathic Drugs, Potentisation, Preservation of Drugs and Potentised Medicines, Pharmacology, The Technique of Homoeopathic Drug Proving (Section 105-145), Scope of Homoeopathic Pharmacy in Relation to Materia Medica, National Economy and Organon of Medicine, Computer-Based Management Information System in Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Evolution of Indian Therapeutic System.

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