ISBN : 9788173814469
Author : Sampat Mukherjee
No of Pages : xii + 615
Binding : PB
Length : 24cm
Breath : 18cm
Spine : 2.5cm
Weight : 1040gm
Publication : 2019
Edition : 4th
MRP : 465.00 (more details)
About the Book
treatment in the text, that is primarily meant for the undergraduate students,
is confined to graphic analysis and some elementary algebra, while it is
assumed that the readers will have a basic knowledge of Microeconomics. Written
strictly according to all India CBCS, introduced by UGC, each chapter in the
book has one or more appendices, where the topics treated in the text are
examined at a level suitable for the advanced undergraduate or the first-year
postgraduate students. A detailed glossary and a rich storehouse of model questions
with answer have made the book literally irresistible for the aspiring go-getters
in Macroeconomics.
About the Author
After doing MA
from Calcutta University and specialising in International Economics Sampat Mukherjee,
the author of this book, did M.Sc from London School of Economics (University
of London) and specialised in Development Economics. He was guided by some pioneers
and leaders of Development Economics, such as Peter(Lord) Bauer, Hla Myint,
Amartya Sen, H.G. Johnson and A.R. Khan. He also benefitted immensely from his
long association with Kaushik Basu who did a lot of original work in Economics.
The author has combined his knowledge
of International Economics, with that
of Development Economics and has
sought to achieve some sort of synthesis between
the two, which is indeed the need of the hour in a globalised world.
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